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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Money Back with Profit

Unlike ordinary endowment insurance plans where the survival benefits are payable only at the end of the endowment period, this scheme provides for periodic payments of partial survival benefits as follows during the term of the policy, of course so long as the policy holder is alive.

In the case of a 20-year Money-Back Policy (Table 75), 20% of the sum assured becomes payable each after 5, 10, 15 years, and the balance of 40% plus the accrued bonus become payable at the 20th year.

For a Money-Back Policy of 25 years (Table 93), 15% of the sum assured becomes payable each after 5, 10, 15 and 20 years, and the balance 40% plus the accrued bonus become payable at the 25th year.

An important feature of this type of policies is that in the event of death at any time within the policy term, the death claim comprises full sum assured without deducting any of the survival benefit amounts, which have already been paid. Similarly, the bonus is also calculated on the full sum assured.


Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority (IRDA) requires all life insurance companies operating in India to provide official illustrations to their customers. The illustrations are based on the investment rates of return set by the Life Insurance Council (constituted under Section 64C(a) of the Insurance Act 1938) and is not intended to reflect the actual investment returns achieved or may be achieved in future by Life Insurance Corporation of India (LICI).

For the year 2004-05 the two rates of investment return declared by the Life Insurance Council are 6% and 10% per annum.

Product summary
These are Money Back type Assurance plans that provide financial protection against death throughout the term of plan along with the periodic payments on survival at specified durations during the term.

Premiums :
Premiums are payable yearly, half-yearly, quarterly, monthly or through salary deductions as opted by you throughout the term of the policy, or till the earlier death.

Bonuses :
This is a with-profit plan and participate in the profits of the Corporation’s life insurance business. It gets a share of the profits in the form of bonuses. Simple Reversionary Bonuses are declared per thousand Sum Assured annually at the end of each financial year. Once declared, they form part of the guaranteed benefits of the plan. Final (Additional) Bonus may also be payable provided policy has run for certain minimum period.

Death Benefit:
The Sum Assured plus all bonuses to date is payable in a lump sum upon the death of the life assured during the policy term irrespective of the Survival benefit /benefits paid earlier.

Survival Benefits:
The percentage of Sum Assured as mentioned below will be paid on survival to the end of specified durations :

% of Sum Assured paid at the end of specified duration

Duration Plan    75        93

5                      20%       15%
10                    20%       15%
15                    20%       15%
20                    40%       15%
25                      -           40%

All bonuses declared upto the maturity date will also be paid alongwith the final survival benefit.

Supplementary/Extra Benefits :
These are the optional benefits that can be added to your basic plan for extra protection/option. An additional premium is required to be paid for these benefits.

Surrender Value:
Buying a life insurance contract is a long-term commitment. However, surrender values are available under the plan on earlier termination of the contract.

Guaranteed Surrender Value:
The policy may be surrendered after it has been in force for 3 years or more. The guaranteed surrender value is 30% of the basic premiums paid excluding the first year’s premium and all survival benefits paid earlier.

Corporation’s policy on surrenders:
In practice, the Corporation will pay a Special Surrender Value – which is either equal to or more than the Guaranteed Surrender Value. The benefit payable on surrender is the discounted value of the reduced claim amount that would be payable on death or at maturity. This value will depend on the duration for which premiums have been paid and the policy duration at the date of surrender. In some circumstances, in case of early termination of the policy, the surrender value payable may be less than the total premiums paid.

The Corporation reviews the surrender value payable under its plans from time to time depending on the economic environment, experience and other factors.

The above is the product summary giving the key features of the plan. This is for illustrative purpose only. This does not represent a contract and for details please refer to your policy document.

Plan/ Term

75/ 20 Years 93/ 25 Years

At the end of 5 years 20% 15%

At the end of 10 years 20% 15%

At the end of 15 years 20% 15%

At the end of 20 years balance 40% + bonus 15%

At the end of 25 years NIL balance 40% + bonus

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